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wHO are the ants?

The ANTS (Alix Nature Trail Society) is a nonprofit society made up of dedicated volunteers who help to maintain the Alix Nature Trail that encompasses Alix Lake, located in Alix Alberta, Canada. 


ANTS Mission Statement

The mission of the Alix Nature Trail Society (ANTS) is to protect, preserve and promote the Alix Lake Nature Trail as a valued experience for hikers, cyclists, and all outdoor enthusiasts.


ANTS Vision Statement

Our vision for the future of the nature trail and a vision for the future of our organization.

Our vision includes:

The entire trail is permanently protected, well-maintained, and effectively managed. ANTS is recognized as the trail’s champion and steward and achieves its work through the strength of its partnerships, staff, volunteers, and the rest of the community.


Values of the ANTS

Although there are many important principles that guide our work, we emphasize the following values as core to our efforts:

  • The Passion and Leadership of People – The great work of the trail is a result of past visionaries and volunteers who took a dream and made it happen. Passion for the trail experience continues to spread, inspiring the remarkable contributions from our volunteer leaders, professional staff, corporate partners, government, and the rest of our community.

  • Collaboration – We work in positive and cooperative partnerships to make the most of the resources available to the organization. We are committed to mutual trust and respect with our partners, and we strive to resolve differences when they may emerge with respect and civility.

  • Integrity – We understand that our success and reputation depend on our integrity as an organization, and therefore will endeavor to use consistent, reliable decision-making to guide our efforts. We apply common sense and good judgment to our work and recognize our essential responsibility to use contributions and resources to support the needs of the trail in the best possible way.

  • Stewardship and Philanthropy – We are responsible for stewarding the trail's resources and the organization for the benefit of all, including future generations. The Alix Nature Trail belongs to all citizens and welcomes participation from all walks of life. Through volunteerism and philanthropy, individuals can invest in the programs that keep the trail well-maintained and accessible for walkers, joggers, and cyclists alike. We recognize that we could not achieve our mission without the generosity, commitment, and philanthropic support of our volunteers, members and donors who share these values.

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Alix Nature Trail Society - ANTS 2023 Copyright since 1974. 

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